What are the functions , food sources and serving sizes of different food groups 不同食物类别的功用、它们的食物来源及计算食物份量的方法是什么?
Game controls : mouse control cur direction , the left red box said curs of the power of serving size , the more red , the greater strength 游戏操作:鼠标控制小人的方向,左边的红色空格表示小人发球的力量的大小,红色越多,力量越大。
The recommended servings on the food guide pyramid may sound like a lot of food , especially the 6 - 11 grain servings . however , serving sizes are often less than you normally eat 在《饮食要领》一书内,可以为您推荐多种食物,比如6 11种谷类食物。但是,建议食用量通常比您正常食用量要小。
A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of noodles equals 2 servings . a pint of ice cream contains 4 servings . refer to the food guide pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes 这相等于一盒扑克牌的体积;而一片中等体积的水果等于一份食量,一杯粉面类食物即相当于两份食量,而一品脱的雪糕便是四份食量。
She said the company had replaced its fried cheetos with a lower - fat baked alternative in elementary schools and limited serving sizes for all snacks to 150 calories , rising to 300 calories in middle schools 她表示,公司已在小学里用其它低脂烘培产品来代替油炸的奇多品牌产品,并把所有单份零食的卡路里含量限制在150大卡,这一限制在中学提高至300大卡。